Monday, December 16, 2013

Spreading Joy

I've been terrible about writing.

Thing is, there doesn't seem like much to write about until I actually sit down and think about it. 

Here I am, 6-7 weeks pregnant, feeling like crap most of the time (utterly exhausted and yet unable to sleep, with nausea off and on throughout the day).
I was so worried that nausea without throwing up wasn't actually morning sickness, but was relieved to hear that lots of women don't actually throw up, so that made me much happier with my perpetually unhappy stomach.

We told my parents this weekend! Eep! My parents and my two brothers (my sister didn't come home, so she has to wait until next week to find out.) They were all SO excited. It made me so happy to share the joy :) It's killing them not to tell anyone else though (which I totally understand - I've been dealing with it for weeks!). We told them by giving them a new ornament for their tree. 

It was so funny to see it slowly sink in as to what was going on. It took my dad a while to catch on. Then there was lots of hugging and tears (mostly me)... it just feels so much more real now that I can actually smile and be excited about it with the people I love the most!

Besides that, here's this week's belly pic. I'm hoping to replace it later this afternoon with a nicer one, but this will do for now. Still no bump, but lots of bloat (ugh). Doctors appointment is on Friday, and then we're heading home for the holidays. It should be a nice fun, exciting, joyful vacation. I'm so excited to tell Brad's family!

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