Friday, December 6, 2013

And so it begins...

I'm not going to make any promises about being a great blogger. Honestly, the only reason I'm doing this is that I heard keeping a pregnancy journal is a good thing to do... and I'm too cheap/lazy to actually go buy one.
Plus with a blog, I can include pictures!

So yes. I'm pregnant! Brad and I have been trying for a while now, and when I finally saw those two pink lines pop up I was ecstatic.
And then slightly terrified.
You see, we spent all this time trying to get pregnant and researching all the best supplements to help with that - I never really thought ahead to what happens next.

I found out I was pregnant the morning of November 30. Brad was out on his first-ever hunting trip and didn't get home until 7pm that night. We were at my parents house, so I had this *huge* secret to keep all day! Brad met me out at a friend's party (where I was drinking ginger ale) and when we finally were alone in the car, he asked me why I was so smiley. I said "what do you mean?" and he said "You're pregnant, aren't you? I knew it!". Then we got really mushy and excited and I cried (because that's what I do).

We haven't told our parents yet. My first doctors appointment is the morning of Dec 20. After that, we'll head to Richmond to see my parents for a day or two, then down to Chesapeake to visit with his family for the holidays. We figured that was the perfect time to tell our families - in person, close together, and after a doctors appointment to confirm everything is going smoothly. The problem is, it's killing me to wait! These next two weeks cannot go fast enough :)

My estimated due date is between August 2-12 (depending on what date you choose to calculate it from) Either way, it's looking like an August baby is on the way :)

So without further ado, here is the picture I took when I found out I was pregnant. I'll try and post weekly belly pictures on this blog. Too crazy!

So for now, I'm just praying everything keeps going smoothly. We want this so badly :)

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