Monday, July 14, 2014

Humming Along

Things are going really well these days. It is starting to get pretty hot and I'm starting to feel pretty uncomfortable, but with under a month to go and the middle of July, I think both of those are expected.

We went to two weddings the last two weekends (dancing is a stretch these days, but they were both lots of fun!) and got CPR certified this past Saturday. At my last doctors appointment on Thursday, I got tested for Group B Step and had my first check -- 1 cm dilated and my cervix is starting to prep itself. We really are in the home stretch!! We're also down to weekly doctor appointments which is pretty crazy.

Brad and I have been doing a lot of work on the nursery these last few weeks. Yesterday he hung up all the artwork, so now all we are really waiting for is the crib (and curtains)! The crib is on back order until next week but should arrive soon. We have the pack and play to get us by until it comes should baby girl make an early appearance.

I can still feel her moving around often - though her kicks are less powerful as she is running out of room. She still gets the hiccups pretty often though. Seriously so adorable.

I've gained about 30lb this pregnancy 😁 though it seems to have slowed/steadied these last few weeks. It's been pretty hard coming to terms with the numbers I see on the scale, but I know it's all worth it! My belly button is half flat half out... Pretty weird looking overall. 

I started an email address for our little girl and have begun sending her emails and updates about everything as we prep for her arrival. I hope to share it with family/friends once she's here so they can write to her too! Then when she is older, we can tell her about it - I think that would be pretty cool!

Last but not least - recent bump pics!

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