Thursday, July 24, 2014

38 weeks.

I just had my 38 week appointment. Things continue to progress, slowly but surely. I'm still only 2 cm dilated, but up to ~80% effaced. Doc also said everything is looking great in terms of baby's position - she's anterior facing, which should make labor easier. He said multiple times that he wishes everyone was this easy. I just hope it all stays that way!

I still feel like there's so much to do - blankets to sew, headbands to make (I already got started on these! so cute!) and naps to take. Sleep has been horrible lately. Like I can't even describe how terrible it's been. I wake up for at least an hour - usually around 3am - just totally unable to fall back asleep. Or I'll wake up randomly with shooting hip pains that are just the worst. I'm really looking for some relief there, but I'm not sure it's going to come until baby girl does... at which point sleep will be a luxury in a whole different sense.

I'm looking forward to this weekend. Hoping that Brad and I can be productive but also get a lot of relaxing in. It's so weird to think that this could be our last weekend without a child. Heck, there's still a chance we don't make it to this weekend. Also weird.

Until then, a snapshot of my recent handiwork and today's bump pic!

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