Thursday, February 6, 2014


Things have been a little crazy lately. I'm traveling to DC for a few days to work a conference, then I'll be in NJ early next week to give a presentation. I actually leave from NJ to meet Brad in Seattle for a little vacation at the end of the week next week, which I'm really looking forward to.

Things on the baby front are good. Morning sickness seems to be relieving itself a bit, which has been nice. I get winded easily and don't like standing for long periods of time (which should make this show interesting this weekend), but otherwise my energy levels are okay. I'm hoping they really pick up here soon - I'm going to need it!!

I had a scare yesterday where I fell down the stairs. I didn't fall far and landed on my butt - two very good things - but it was terrifying. I did some googling that said it was probably fine, but ended up calling the doctor anyways for reassurance that there wasn't something I should do. Now I just feel bad for bugging him at night! No pain except some soreness in the back, so that's a really good sign.

Still no-to-minimal weight gain. Haven't picked up anything significant outside my normal daily fluctuations. As a side note, how do people tell that they've 'gained a pound'? I could be two pounds up from my 'std weight' one day and two pounds down the next... At what point have you officially gained a pound?
I want to keep a close eye on my weight gain throughout, I'm just not really sure how to do that.
Eh. It will work out!

Last, but not least, belly picture! I can't suck it in anymore - a very little something is there and I think it might actually be baby! Woop woop!

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